PHOENIX - Maybe you've seen them online. They're websites that appear to be news alerts with some important study you need to see.
But the Federal Trade Commission says the alerts are just fake ads and they are suing the businesses behind them.
The FTC says one example is "Acai berry exposed."
The "news" alert supposedly comes from a health reporter and says, "The acai berry diet exposed: Miracle diet or scam?"
But it's just an ad to sell you something.
The ABC15 Investigators hear from many people who buy products this way. Then they complain the product is not what was promised. Or they're tied into monthly payments they never expected to make.
If any online ad comes with a free or low cost trial offer, pass on it.
Many times, people end up with hefty bills because they didn't know they had to cancel it or be charged.
The FTC is also asking the 10 operations it's suing to refund money for people who bought supplements.
All of the lawsuit details can be found at the FTC website .
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